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Hollow Top Angus 2022 Bull Sale Info

Hollow Top Angus

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

On November 19, 2022 Hollow Top Angus will hold its first Hollow Top Angus Production Sale featuring approximately 100, 19 month-old PAP-tested bulls and heifers. The offering includes 11 different sire groups, reflecting our philosophy of using HT-owned bulls for the core product and supplementing, that base with third-party bulls that we believe compliment the genetics of our cow herd and produce exceptional offspring. The following table summarizes several key growth characteristics of concern to commercial cattlemen.

Summary of Key Growth Characteristics of Calves from the Major Sire Groups in the 2022 Sale

The offering reflects our breeding objectives and development program. Our intention is to develop bulls that are moderate in size, with excellent phenotypes, good feet, docility, low PAP (which will be discussed in subsequent postings) and longevity. We take pride that after speaking with our customers, many of whom have purchased multiple bulls, they tell us that most of their bulls are still in use after two, three or four years of service.

Our development program stresses patience and explains the difference between the gain rates between weaning and their mid-August weight of this year. The bulls (and heifers) are raised here on the ranch. The young calves spend their initial summer ranging through a couple thousand acres of rugged mountain country at elevations between 5,500 and 7,500 feet. In late October we bring them down, make an initial cull and keep approximately 50% of the best for sale in the next fall. While in this stage of development they are fed a little over 2 lbs of protein and energy as we want their feet and legs to mature before we increase their feed intake. By about mid-August we sort the bulls into pens based on their frame-size and weight and increase the feed levels to bring their weights up to between 1,500 and 1,700 pounds by sale day.

You are welcome to visit the ranch any time to view the bulls, in Pony, MT. They will also be on display at the Montana Livestock facility in Ramsay, MT on November 18. At Hollow Top they are divided into three pens generally based on their age and weight as of August 10.

  • Pen 1 includes bulls sired by HA Outside Two 7891 (2 bulls), KG Justified 3023 (9), Sitz Accomplishment 720F (16), Sitz Profound 680G (16), and one of our Sitz Stellar 726D sons. These bulls are the oldest in the sale, more mature looking and are the heaviest.

  • Pen 2 bulls are younger and less mature. This pen includes the Poss Rawhide bulls (8), most of which display the best carcass characteristics we have available in the sale. Also, in Pen 2 are sons of HA Cow Man 7939 (9), HA Outside Two 7891 (3), four additional sons of HA Accomplishment 720F, six sons of Sitz Stellar 726D and six more sons of KG Justified 3023.

  • Pen 3 holds the youngest, most moderate bulls in the sale. Sons of HT Allied 9064 (3), Sitz Profound 680G (19), GDAR Load Up 7104 (1), HT Allied 9244 (6) two additional HA Cow Man 7939 and two sons by Sitz Resilient 10028.

We will see you at our sale on Saturday, November 19th in Ramsay, Montana at Montana Livestock Auction. Lunch starting at noon and the sale will start at 1:00 pm. You will be able to preview the bulls starting around noon on the 18th at the sale barn in Ramsay. Sale will be streamed on



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